Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More Than Language

Next Step #60: The disenfranchised members of the Church – is language just a convenient scapegoat? (In His Steps? The Next Shoes? – definitely not about language!) Fr. Vazken gives instructions here on not just reading a prayer – but experiencing it! A look at the prayer/hymn Aravod Looso with an Armodoxy approach = don’t just read it, live it! Drop the camera, remove your eye from the viewfinder and you’ll see a beautiful life all around you. Today’s Next Step offers an exercise to holistic praying – by following the flow of the prayer and melody of St. Nersess Shnorhali. A preview of the “In Her Mittens” project by In His Shoes.
Music: Aram Khatchadourian’s “Dance of the Youths” from Gayane Ballet
Bubbles by Ani: Global proportions

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sun and Moon: It's the Coffee that's important

Next Step #59: Following up on the theme of Transfiguration, looking at light beyond its sources. The longest solar eclipse, the 40th Anniversary of the lunar landing, the sale of the St. James Church building on West Adams Blvd., and Croatia all come into play in this podcast. (Armenia and Croatia each become independent in 1991 but capitalism is probably the motive for this one!) Even the stove - "ojakh" is taken to a new level of central focus of spirit in the family, one that Michael Collins might appreciate. This is the prelude to Nersess Shnorhali's Aravod Looso - but don't look for a translation hear to find out why?
Song: John Bayless' rendition of "Here Comes the Sun" (Bach on Abbey Road)
Bubbles by Ani: God's coffee

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From Numbers to Light – it’s the connection that matters

Next Step #58: Next Step begins with an interesting number theories from listener Yuri in St. Petersburg, Russia. Is it by chance that #57 had all the digits in the date stamp? If so, what about zero? Can you shed some light on that? Jesus did exactly that – with the Transfiguration. Light was not spared to tie us into the beginning of all creation and the end of time as we know it. God’s promise to open our hearts to love and the well-lit path is explored by Fr. Vazken’s expose of the feast of Transfiguration. But don’t fret the esoteric themes, there’s a serving of fish and chips in this episode. It happens to be everything you need and more. Listen in to a wild ride from numbers to light and realize that they are all connected.
Song: “Arev, Arev” by Mariam Matossian
“About Light” by Gor Mkhitarian (Spirit Album)
Bubbles by Ani: Feeding the wolves

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

With Freedom Comes Responsibility

Next Step #57: Today. Earth date 7.8.9. Just as the date flows so does this podcast. Two years after the “7x77 Forgiveness Conference” Fr. Vazken recaps the basics of the formula for forgiveness and peace. Also, one final look at the Michael Jackson death story in light of his memorial service. From these topics emerge the concept of responsibility. It is the basis for healthy living and mature faith. Herein Fr. Vazken challenges listeners to a life of purpose and what it means to be free.
Ani’s Spiritual Bubbles: The lonely girl
Music: Bambir’s “J.B.K.”

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Between a Rock and a Soft Place

Next Step #56: When Jesus was asked for a “sign” he offered nothing new. He only pointed to something that was “greater than” the signs. Here’s a casual look at symbols. In the wake of Michael Jackson’s death, Fr. Vazken looks into the ways information was processed, news was gathered, and the tools of technology to make our spirits come alive. The power of music – as expressed through Jackson and a surprisingly similar sound coming from Iran in the quest for freedom. The podcast ends with a special wish to America and the freedom it enjoys on this 233rd anniversary of Independence. Welcome back Gabriel from the Chad desert!

Songs: Sari Siroon Yar by Element Band; Miracles by Gor Mkhitarian
Bubbles with Ani – “The 1000 Mirrors”
The Next Step Theme Song is unveiled (composed and performed by Varoujan Movsesian)